Concentrated Retinol Serum 1


New clients will be required to complete a consultation prior to posting the products which can either be done online via zoom or via a form emailed to you. This will also ensure that you will be advised of the correct products for you.

Vitamin STEP-UP SYSTEM™ of serums has been formulated with high concentrations of vitamin A.



This Vitamin STEP-UP SYSTEM™ of serums has been formulated with high concentrations of vitamin A. They are designed to help normalise the appearance of skin abnormalities and damage, and in promoting healthy-looking skin eventually creating skin that looks truly reborn beautiful.

LJC Advanced Skincare is an authorised stockist of Environ Skincare, however Environ do not authorise the sale of their products online without a full consultation due to the high concentration of active ingredients in some of their products.

New clients will be required to complete a consultation prior to posting the products which can either be done online via zoom or via a form emailed to you. This will also ensure that you will be advised of the correct products for you.

How to Use

1. Pre-cleanse, cleanse and tone your skin with your preferred Environ products.

2. Start by adding one drop of Retinol to your recommended Environ vitamin A moisturiser each evening.

3. Then as your skin feels more comfortable, slowly increase the amount until you can use the Retinol product on its own.

4. Alternatively, apply Concentrated Retinol Serums to face and neck or specific areas and allow to dry; then follow with your recommended Environ vitamin A moisturiser, morning and/or evening.

5. Use 2-4 bottles per Concentrated Retinol Serum step-up level before progressing to the next level

6. Retinol 1 may be used in conjunction with B-Active Sebugel A for problematic skin conditions.

* Retinol 3 is not available in Canada and Australia.


Assists in improving the appearance of uneven skin tone.

Helps to refine the look of skin texture, giving your skin a firmer and smoother appearance.

Assists in reducing and improving the appearance of premature ageing and fine lines.

Key Ingredients

Retinol , Retinyl Acetate and Retinyl Palmitate (serums 2 and 3), Colosturm

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