Life Coaching

Glow with Confidence


Do you feel anxious, stressed out, lost your confidence, feel overwhelmed, lost your identity, keep self sabotaging yourself?

And so much more…..

I embarked on a life coaching course so I could help 40+ women gain back their identity, gain back their confidence, have self success, live a stress free life and be in control of their life.

Does this sound like you?

Would you like some help and guidance?

You have come to the right place.

My Why

To inspire women to take back control of their life, career and business. To show you that you can have freedom, more money and a happier more balanced life.

About Me
I used to work all the hours under the sun to provide for my family because that is what I was brought up to believe. The more you work, the more you earn, the more money you will have to spend. I am here to tell you that you don’t need to follow my mistakes. I have made them for you and will show you how you can work less, earn more and have more time for yourself.
Mission Statement

My mission is to empower women to achieve better lives by showing you how you can improve your work/life balance and gain back control of your life through my business and life coaching programmes.

My Vision

To empower all women to have a life they have always dreamed of.


My Values
My top 5 values are honesty, quality, making a difference, personal development and having fun along the way.

I want to empower women to believe in themselves, be honest with themselves, make a difference in their lives, have quality in their lives and lots of fun along the way.

Benefits of having a Life Coach
  • Better self confidence
  • A growth mindset
  • Improved self awareness
  • Improved relationships and communication skills
  • Better clarity and purpose
  • Improved overall well-being
  • Lower stress levels
  • Self empowerment

Self empowerment means making a conscious decision to take charge of your destiny. `it involves making positive choices, taking action to advance and being confident in your ability to make executive decisions. Self empowered people understand their strengths and weaknesses and are motivated to learn and achieve.

I have often thought about a business coach over the years, but didn’t think it would be for me. I had an initial meeting with Louise to see if there was a potential working relationship and I kept an open mind about coaching. Louise put me at ease immediately, she didn’t judge, criticise or comment about joy business, just listened to me.

We started weekly coaching sessions, it was evident from day 1 that Louise totally understood my business and more importantly where she could help and be of benefit to me.

Week 1 was amazing and I know it sounds cliche, but was literally life changing. We worked on work/life balance. Louise gave me the confidence and tools to change how I view my business and how to achieve the correct balance.

I soon put strategies into place and gained confidence to take control of not only my business, but my clients.

The sessions were invaluable. Initially I required weekly sessions that moved to fortnightly then monthly.


Louise untangled all my jumbled thought and emotions and made me fall in love with my clinic and work all over again. I feel empowered and enthusiastic to take my clinic to the next level.

If you are considering coaching but doubtful will work for you – speak to Louise !!


Aesthetic Business Owner

Alumier MD Skincare


You are Beautiful

What to expect from Me
  • bespoke 1:1 sessions
  • safe space so you can open up and feel at ease
  • the focus will be on you
  • it will be a non-judgemental space
  • will not be a one size fits all approach
  • teach you how to be accountable
  • for business coaching, how to attract the right clients
What I expect from You
  • To arrive on time to each session
  • to be accountable
  • to become independent snd not rely on me
  • to trust yourself
  • to do the work
  • to be honest with yourself
How I can help you
I can help you go from:

Anxious ⇒ Stress free

Self saboutage ⇒ Self success

Loss of confidence ⇒ Confident

Loss of identity ⇒ Finding yourself

Overwhelm ⇒ Being in control

Freedom and Flow Session

I will help you to unravel what you need to do to unlock what is already inside of you. Have you always wanted to achieve something, but believed you couldn’t achieve it?

During this 1hour zoom session I will inspire and support you to achieve what you are wanting to achieve.

Click on the above link

1hr £97


Coaching Programmes
1:1 bespoke 3 months coaching programme £997

1 hour sessions will take place over zoom once a fortnight for 3 months so 6 sessions in total. These can be completed quicker if required.

You will also have additional support via text message or whatssapp Monday – Friday 10-4pm. I will aim to return messages within 24 hours during week days only.

A contract will be required to be completed prior to the coaching sessions. Payment installments are also available if required at £350 per month for 3 months



Start your journey today to

Shine bright from the inside out and glow

with confidence